CaptionConfig | |
CaptureConfig | |
ConfigDialog | This is the Configuration dialog clas. Here the user can allter the program settings |
Configuration | Configuration class implements a class for holding and managing configuration settinngs |
DefaultConfig | |
FileConfig | |
FtpConfig | |
FtpControl | FtpControl class controls all the aspects of the ftp transfer involved in WebSnap |
Grabber | |
KWebSnap | This is the main class for KWebSnap |
KWebSnapWidget | This is the class for the main GUI widget in the main dialog |
LogConfig | |
Logger | |
PrefCaption | |
PrefCapture | |
PrefFile | |
PrefFTP | |
PrefWWW | |
WSHttpServer | WSHttpServer class is a minimal web server for KWebSnap |
WSysTray | Declares the WSysTray class, which inherits from KSystemTray class for custom funtionality |
WWWConfig |